Select an area on your spreadsheet. Run this [gs macro] and if it meets certain criteria the cell is highlighted.
You wish to see all cells that contain a certain value. This [gs script] will highlight those cells for you. If you don't make a selection, it will check every cell with a value. Or using the alternate [gs script], you can change all values that meet the [gs criteria] to a different value.
[tab:How to use]
How to use:
Open the Visual Basic Editor by going to Tools-Macro's-Visual Basic Editor or use Alt-F11;
On the toolbar of the Visual Basic Editor, go to Insert - Module;
In the module pane paste the code.
Close the Visual Basic Editor by clicking the X in the upper right corner or go to File-Close
Test the code:
Select the area in this example file of C4-D5 and run the macro by going to file-Macro's-Macro and select the Check_Values_1 macro and click on run.
The cells with a value of 5 will be highlighted. Remember in this example you must select the range first.
The alternate code will allow you to set the range so you don't have to select a range and shows how to replace one value with another.
[tab:The Code]
Place this code in a standard module:
Option Explicit 'this line makes it cap insensitive in your string selection Option Compare Text Sub Check_Values_1() On Error Resume Next Dim CurCell As Range Dim Heading As String Dim Prompt As String Dim Criteria As Variant Dim Color As Long Dim lRows As Long Dim lCols As Long Dim lAllCells As Long lRows = ActiveSheet.Rows.Count lCols = ActiveSheet.Columns.Count lAllCells = lRows * lCols ' Ensure that that the entire sheet was not selected ' This would slow the loop down considerably If Selection.Cells.Count = lAllCells Then MsgBox "To check the entire sheet, please select only one cell", 64 Exit Sub End If ' Optional User Config Heading = "Enter Criteria" Prompt = "Enter the value you want to find and highlight." Color = 6 ' Get the value of the cell to highlight Criteria = InputBox(Prompt, Heading) ' Inspect the value to determine type or exit If Criteria = "" Then Exit Sub ElseIf IsNumeric(Criteria) Then Criteria = CLng(Criteria) ElseIf IsDate(Criteria) Then Criteria = CDate(Criteria) Else Criteria = CStr(Criteria) End If ' Loop through each cell in the selection and color ' as desired If Selection.Cells.Count > 1 Then For Each CurCell In Selection If CurCell.Value = Criteria Then CurCell.Interior.ColorIndex = Color Next CurCell Else For Each CurCell In ActiveSheet.UsedRange 'If you don't make a selection, it checks all cells on the sheet with values If CurCell.Value = Criteria Then CurCell.Interior.ColorIndex = Color Next CurCell End If End Sub