Error accessing the system registry (Microsoft Visual Basic 6 IDE)

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HeelpBook Staff: this issue may appear when using a PC with Windows Vista or Seven operating system.

  • Select the Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 shortcut from the Start menu and right-click on it.
  • Select Properties, and the property sheet for the [gs shortcut] will be displayed.
  • Next, click on the Compatibility tab. It is recommended that you make the following changes:
  • Enable compatibility mode and select Windows XP (Service Pack 2) .....
  • Check the "Disable visual themes" option.....
  • Check the "Disable desktop composition" option.....
  • Check the "Run this program as an administrator" option.
  • Click on OK to save the changes.

    When you run Visual Basic, a User Account Control (UAC) dialog will be displayed, asking you to confirm that you wish to execute the program.

    This is because it's now running with elevated privileges. You may also get a message that the color scheme has been changed to Windows Vista Basic. The Aero interface will be temporarily disabled until you close the IDE, which will resolve the performance issues with the form designer.


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