SQL Server – Fix for ‘No Process is on the Other End of the Pipe’ Error

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If you are trying to login to SQL Server 2005 and get an error message that says ‘No Process is on the Other End of the Pipe’, then try the following.

  • Open up SQL Server Suraface Area Configuration tool by clicking: Start > Microsoft SQL Server 2005 > Configuration Tools > SQL Server Suraface Area Configuration
  • Click the Surface Area Configuration for Services and Connections link at the bottom of the window.
  • In the View By Instance pane on the left, expand the node for the SQL Server that is giving you the error, and click the Database Engine > Service > Remote Connections.
  • In the setting for the Remote Connections, click the Local and Remote Connections option.
  • Now click the Using both TCP/IP and named pipes option and click OK.
  • You will be prompted to restart your Database Server for the changes to take effect. Do that.

Once you [gs restart] your Database Server, you should be able to login to the SQL Server [gs database] successfully !


LINK (Mycodetrip.com)