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Having a list of categories names and their colors can be helpful when sharing categories with other users, since the color is per-user.
Fortunately, MSDN published a sample macro that prints a list of categories and the name of the color assigned. Unfortunately, some of the color names in their macro are not valid. Below is the code from Category.Color Property (Outlook), with the corrected olCategoryColor names.
This macro can display a message box with a list of the category names and colors or print it to the VBA Editor's Immediate window.
Use MsgBox strOutput to display a message box or Debug.Print strOutput to print a list to the Immediate window (View > Immediate window or Ctrl+G). You can copy the list from the Immediate window or the MsgBox.
The printout and message box will look like the following:
Utility: Purple
Bookkeeping: Unknown
Business: Peach
Important: Dark Yellow
Test: Purple
Blue Category: Blue
Federal Holidays: Green
Needs Done: Dark Green
Old Projects that need finished: Dark Olive
Send Message: Yellow
Slipstick: Olive
Follow up soon: Dark Orange
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