ProcessExplorer “Unable to extract 64-bit image” error

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The ProcessExplorer program, by SysInternals, is a very useful utility. You may need it to track down a file lock, but upon trying to run it on your Windows 7 64-bit machine, you could keep getting an error telling me "Unable to extract 64-bit image...".

This error is tipically a permission issue on the folder from which you're trying to run the application. However, this error could rise, specifically, if the application can't write in the TEMP, system environment variable, directory (due to Software Restrictions Policies, commonly).

Upon running the ProcessExplorer executable, it will extract the 64-bit, if you're using a 64-bit Windows OS, version of the program to the AppData/Local/Temp folder and attempt to run from there. To get around it you can simply navigated to your TEMP directory and move the procexp64.exe file to your Desktop and executed it from there. It will open right up and you'll be able to get back to what you need ProcessExplorer for.

By default the AppData directory is hidden. The quickest way to get there is by clicking Start, then type %tmp% into the Search box and press Enter. Or type the path directly into the navigation bar, or choose to show hidden files.

Full path to the temp folder is:

C:\Users\"your username"\AppData\Local\Temp