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Often times, especially when sharing files, perhaps emailing files back and forth to/from co-workers, a file can become bloated with styles. If you look on the Home tab, in the Styles group, you’ll see these default styles:
If you have plenty of custom styles, perhaps you’ll see a mess like this:
Seems ridiculous, but it happens. These can make an otherwise efficient file and bog it down quite a bit. If you notice a file opening slower than normal, or slower over time, check how many styles you have because they may be bloated.
To start with a clean slate, sometimes it’s better to just delete them all. This can be accomplished fairly easily with some VBA code. This routine will delete all custom styles (not built-in) of the specified workbook:
Sub DeleteCustomStyles(Optional ByVal WKB As Workbook) '---------------------------------------------------------------- '/// Created on: 4-Jan-2013 '/// Created by: Zack Barresse '/// Purpose: Deletes all custom styles in specified book. '---------------------------------------------------------------- Dim TempStyle As Style If WKB Is Nothing Then If ActiveWorkbook Is Nothing Then Exit Sub Set WKB = ActiveWorkbook End If If MsgBox("Delete all custom styles?", vbYesNo + vbDefaultButton2, _ "DELETE CUSTOM STYLES?") <> vbYes Then Exit Sub For Each TempStyle In WKB.Styles If TempStyle.BuiltIn = False Then TempStyle.Locked = False TempStyle.Delete End If Next TempStyle End Sub
To call this function, you can use a line like this, specifying the workbook:
Sub CallDeleteStyles() Call DeleteCustomStyles(Workbooks("Book1.xlsx")) End Sub
If you want to call the routine to perform this on the active workbook (whichever workbook has the current focus – beware, it may be problematic), you could use something like this:
Sub CallDeleteStylesActiveBook() Call DELETESTYLES End Sub
Please note that if you have a lot of styles, this may take a while (several minutes). To give you an example, for a workbook which has 49,000+ custom styles, it take 6 minutes to run. It is well worth it once completed though – clean file which actually opened quickly, from 20 seconds to <1.
Here you will can download an Excel add-in prepared to be enabled directly in Excel and called through a button. To download you will have to be registered and logged in HeelpBook.
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