Windows RDS 2012 Publishing a RemoteApp

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This is a quick article to show how to publish a RemoteApp on RDS 2012. The PowerShell way is:

Load the RemoteDesktop PowerShell Module

import-module RemoteDesktop

Before publishing a new RemoteApp you want to see the available applications:

Get-RDAvailableApp -CollectionName <sessioncollection> -ConnectionBroker <server FQDN>

Creating a New RemoteApp

new-rdremoteapp -Alias Wordpad -DisplayName WordPad -FilePath "C:\Program Files\Windows NT\Accessories\wordpad.exe" -ShowInWebAccess 1 -collectionname <sessioncollection> -ConnectionBroker <server FQDN>

The GUI way

Windows RDS 2012 Publishing a RemoteApp

Select Tasks > Publish RemoteApp Programs:

Windows RDS 2012 Publishing a RemoteApp

Select the application you would like to add:

Windows RDS 2012 Publishing a RemoteApp

Confirm that you are happy with the applications you would like to publish:

Windows RDS 2012 Publishing a RemoteApp

Windows RDS 2012 Publishing a RemoteApp

Windows RDS 2012 Publishing a RemoteApp

As you can see from the screenshot, Wordpad has now been published.

To remove a RemoteApp in PowerShell:

The following PowerShell command prompt will remove a RemoteApp.

Remove-RDRemoteApp -CollectionName "Session Collection" -Alias WordPad