A truly simple password page generator (just load the page) now is available at https://www.heelpbook.net/web-tools/password-generator-refresh-page-version/.
This tool will generate a new strong password (minimum 20 characters length) at each page refresh.
Powershell way to get directly the password
As a bonus tip, the following Powershell code will fetch directly a new random passowrd from the page specified above, here on Heelpbook, by analysing a simple extract of the rendered HTML code and by extracting the password with a bit of Regex (the same approach, with a bit of modifications, could be used for other websites and portals to fetch dynamic content programmatically):
CLS $Response = Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing -URI https://www.heelpbook.net/web-tools/password-generator-refresh-page-version/ $content = $Response | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Content $begin = '<span id="awesomepass" style="font-size:28px;">' $end = '</span>' $Regex = [Regex]::new("(?<=$begin)(.*?)(?=$end)", [System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions]::MultiLine) $Match = $Regex.Match($content) if($Match.Success) { $Match.Value }
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Simple Password Generator
A truly simple password page generator (just load the page) now is available at https://www.heelpbook.net/web-tools/password-generator-refresh-page-version/.
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