Welcome on HeelpBook! First, thanks for visiting Heelpbook, we are proud to have been selected to fulfill your request for any help, at least we hope. :-)
In few words: we are a small staff of people searching for common, and uncommon, "answered" questions, already done on web, realiable and collect them for a simpler (and well-categorized) search: so, this website has a simple (and difficult) goal to achieve: collect and try to categorize solutions or explanations on every topic available on internet.
Frequently, on the Internet, we found some good website that give us a solution to a specific problem or a good explanation for a difficult topic to understand....so we bookmarks it in our beloved browser.......and suddenly, after some days or months, it could be no more reachable or available (for example, website hosting expired or the original author has closed our beloved website or he has deleted the specific article we found earlier).
For this scenario, we are trying to collect and integrates, even old articles, to take them available and searchable here, in multiple ways, on HeelpBook. :-)
Actually there are available 2214 articles. Enjoy reading them...
This site was founded by Stefano Maggi, which currently controls and verifies each article published on HeelpBook and, at the same time, continues the search for new articles and sites to be included.