There are currently 5 terms in this directory beginning with the letter H.
Hard copy
A paper printout of what has been prepared on the computer, for example by using a word processing software.
Hosting Services Provider
A Hosting Services Provider is an application service provider dedicated to providing hosting services. Typically operates a Web server farm, either at a data center or location facility. Basically, a hosting provider houses your website, while an ISP connects your web server to the rest of the Internet.
Hot Standby
A method of redundancy in which the primary and secondary (i.e., backup) systems run simultaneously. The data is mirrored to the secondary serverin real time so that both systems contain identical information.
A system for organizing text through links. Most Web pages include hypertext links to other pages at that site, or to other sites on the World Wide Web. Hypertext documents are interconnected by hyperlinks, which are typically activated by a mouse click, keypress set, or by touching the screen. Apart from text, the term "hypertext" is also sometimes used to describe tables, images, and other presentational content formats with integrated hyperlinks.
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Computer Glossary
A collection of computing terms, for a quick reference and to know a bit more about protocols, acronyms and more computing related words and expressions.
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