Clear Event Logs with Powershell (Microsoft Windows)

Let’s see how to quickly clear all available Event Logs on modern Windows clients and servers (this is usually useful on test systems and for troubleshooting, sometimes, but after a backup of all Event Logs). Read More …

Check Windows Services statuses using Powershell

PowerShell is a great and essential “scripting” (the scripting is just one of the many things this language can do) tool. It not only helps save you time, it also provides greater flexibility to execute repeated tasks manually or via scheduled tasks. Almost all Windows roles and features ship with PowerShell cmdlets. Once of the most common tasks, specially on server machines, is to check regularly the status of a specific service. Read More …

Clear Clipboard by using Command Prompt, Shortcut and Context Menu

On any computer system, in a layman language, when you copy or cut some content to paste somewhere, it is stored on RAM for a short period until you copy or cut another content. Now if we talk about clipboard, you will get some idea of what it is and how it works. In the following section we will see how this function works on a Windows platform and how to properly clearing it easily using multiple methods. Read More …