Segmentation Fault using yarn (Linux) [New Question]

A quick question, answered on Heelpbook, about “Segmentation Fault using yarn (Linux)”, that prevents the usage of yarn utility, that is used to use and share code with other developers from around the world. Read More …

Find Apache httpd.conf/apache2.conf Configuration File [New Question]

A quick question, answered on Heelpbook, about how to “Find Apache httpd.conf/apache2.conf Configuration File”. This can save time when there’s need to configure an existing httpd/Apache web server already installed on a Linux system. Read More …

Check Bluetooth version available on Windows, Linux and Mac

Bluetooth is one of the most common method/technology used to transfer the files between a mobile device and the computer, connecting to gaming devices and wireless speakers, but many times the version of Bluetooth is not supportive which creates issues in connecting and transferring the files. While most of the “smart” devices today support Bluetooth 4.0 or later, you won’t be really able to transfer the files if your Windows 10 system is not supporting at least Bluetooth 4.0. Read More …

Powershell – find files larger than a specific size

A common task, especially during the development of specific filesystem tasks in a script, is to find and list all files that are larger than a specific file size in folder (and subfolders); in the following example we will find files larger than 500 MB in the entire C:\ drive. Read More …