
Here you will be able to access and use some potentially useful online tools, freely available to all, written in Javascript, and usable on all modern web browsers.

Age Calculator

This simple tool will calculate the months, days, hours and minutes passed since a date (or birth). The result will be immediate (no refresh).

Binary to Hexadecimal

The binary to hexadecimal online tool will let you to calculate easily the hexadecimal value from your binary value (so from a number with base 2 to base 16), instantly, no page refresh needed.

Bit-complement of an IP address

This tool will calculate the bit-complement of a IPv4 netmask (subnet mask), instantly, no page refresh needed.

Bit to Byte (Converter)

This tool will convert bit to byte et viceversa, no page refresh needed.

Celsius to Fahrenheit

The Celsius to Fahrenheit online tool will let you to convert Celsius temperature value to Fahrenheit value (and viceversa), instantly, no page refresh needed. You will need only to insert your temperature value in the upper (or lower) field.

Count Word and Characters

The Count Word/Characters online tool will let you to count how many characters and words there are in a specified text string. Just input the text into the form and automatically see how many are they. No data is saved on the server.

Degrees to Radians

The degree to radians online tool will let you to convert angle degree to radians, instantly, no page refresh needed. You will need only to insert your degree value in the upper field and then click on the Convert button.

Heron's Formula

The Heron's formula tool will let you to calculate a triangle's area, instantly, no page refresh needed. You will need only to insert the values of the three sides in the fields and then click on the Convert button.

HTML URL Decoder and Encoder

The HTML URL Decoder/Encoder tool will let you to encode and/or decode URL in HTML encoded strings, to be later used in web application or other scenarios.

Km/h to m/s

The Km/h to m/s online tool will let you to calculate easily the m/s from km/h values, instantly, no page refresh needed.

Netmask to usable addresses

This useful tool will calculate for you how many usable addresses you will have with the specified CIDR in the IPv4 network definition: no Java and no page refresh needed.

Network Calculator

This useful tool will calculate for you some useful information from your IPv4 network definition: no Java and no page refresh needed.

Password Generator

This online tool will let you to generate strong password (50 characters length by default) at every page refresh. The generator is customizable in terms of characters to be used to generate new password.

Password Generator (Refresh Page Version)

A quick an simple strong password generator that will show a different strong password at each refresh page. You can even bookmark it to generate always new passwords.

QR Code Generator

The QR Code Generator online tool will let you to convert any text to a QR Code, instantly, no page refresh needed.

Radians to Degree

The radians to degree online tool will let you to convert radians to angle degree, instantly, no page refresh needed.

Square Root

The square root online tool will let you to calculate easily the square root of any integer number, instantly, no page refresh needed.